Germany And The Netherlands Join Forces To Use H2Global For Hydrogen Imports – A Significant Step Towards Energizing European Collaboration In The Field Of Clean Hydrogen
The Netherlands and Germany are teaming up for future imports of renewable hydrogen. This announcement was made on Tuesday, November 14th, during a working visit by Dutch King Willem-Alexander to North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
Both countries are providing €300 million each in a joint 'funding window' (a joint tender) for importing renewable hydrogen starting in 2027. For this initiative, the Netherlands and Germany will leverage H2Global's innovative double auction mechanism. It is the first time two countries are teaming up in this manner, marking a significant step towards building a global hydrogen market.
“We're thrilled that the Netherlands aims to use H2Global and Hintco as part of its renewable hydrogen import strategy. This collaboration between the German and Dutch government showcases how EU countries can pool resources to accelerate hydrogen market development”, says Timo Bollerhey, CEO of Hintco GmbH.
The EU is set to shape the global hydrogen market. It aims to import 10 million tonnes of renewable hydrogen by 2030. In September2023, EU Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson shared the idea of promoting renewable hydrogen imports to Europe by pooling resources under a TeamEurope approach using the H2Global mechanism.
Learn more about the Joint Declaration of Intent between Germany and the Netherlands: BMWK and Rijksoverheid